This page collects recent media appearances.

An oral history of a San Francisco in search of answers

San Francisco Chronicle

Oct, 1, 2018

REVIEW: Living in the shadows of the silicon boom

Silicon City should be San Francisco’s next big city-wide read. Short of that, it should be required reading for every employee of Twitter and Google and Facebook employees should climb aboard their comfy buses bound for Silicon Valley one fine sunny morning and find a copy on their seats. At the very least, McClelland should send a copy to each of the 11 members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.”

Fast Company

Oct, 22, 2018

Recommended reading, Oct. 21

Silicon City recommended alongside Michael Lewis, Esi Edugyan, and Doris K Goodwin. Honored to be named among some personal heroes!

San Francisco Chronicle

Oct, 16, 2018

REVIEW: ‘Silicon City: San Francisco in the Long Shadow of the Valley,’ by Cary McClelland

"Tales for the city in boom time."

San Francisco Chronicle

Oct, 9, 2018

INTERVIEW: ‘Silicon City’ Explores How Tech Money Changed San Francisco

The New Stack

Oct, 7, 2018

Giving Voice to Big Tech’s Haves and Have Nots


Oct, 12, 2018

“Essential… An oral history of a transformative moment in the city’s history… fascinating and at times heartbreaking… a conflicted and complex portrait of a city starving for solutions.”